Aug 08, 2019 · India Has Taken Kashmir, But Winning the Hearts and Minds of Kashmiris Will be Harder Some 7 million people in the region were left with no way to contact the outside world, as the government

Kashmir - Kashmir - The Kashmir problem: As long as the territory’s existence was guaranteed by the United Kingdom, the weaknesses in its structure and along its peripheries were not of great consequence, but they became apparent after the British withdrawal from South Asia in 1947. By the terms agreed to by India and Pakistan for the partition of the Indian subcontinent, the rulers of India falsely claims this area as part of its annexed state of occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Kashmir has been a flashpoint between India and Pakistan for more than 70 years. Currently a interim boundary - the Line of Control (LoC) - divides the region in two, with one part occupied by India and one militarily administrated by Pakistan. Kashmir, officially referred to as Jammu and Kashmir, is an 86,000-square-mile region (about the size of Idaho) in northwest India and northeast Pakistan so breathtaking in physical beauty that Mugal (or Moghul) emperors in the 16th and 17th century considered it an earthly paradise. Jun 16, 2020 · India also disputes part of Kashmir - an ethnically diverse Himalayan region covering about 140,000sq km - with Pakistan. Kashmir: Why India and Pakistan fight over it The region's top Pakistani military commander, Maj. Gen. Amer Ahsan Nawaz, briefed journalists about Indian cease-fire violations in Kashmir, which is split between Pakistan and India and claimed

Jun 16, 2020 · India also disputes part of Kashmir - an ethnically diverse Himalayan region covering about 140,000sq km - with Pakistan. Kashmir: Why India and Pakistan fight over it

Aug 05, 2019 · Kashmir, a mountainous valley that borders Pakistan and India, has been a center of conflict between the two nuclear-armed countries since the 1947 partition of British India. Apr 26, 2020 · Eight months after India revoked Kashmir’s semiautonomous status and brought the region fully under its authority, doctors here say a state of hopelessness has morphed into a severe Aug 06, 2019 · The controls India has put on communications in Kashmir – blocking phone lines and the internet, and limiting travel to the region – have created a rare degree of isolation. Aug 03, 2019 · Thousands of Indian tourists, pilgrims and workers began leaving the disputed region of Kashmir after a local government alert over possible militant attacks, and India said it killed at least

Kashmir is an area on the northern borders of India and Pakistan and the southwestern border of China. This area has been in dispute between India and Pakistan since they gained independence from the British in 1947. Both countries claim Kashmir as a part of their country, and as a result, numerous military actions have occurred, and their

Oct 02, 2019 · India and Pakistan both claim predominantly Muslim Kashmir, and the territory is divided between them, with insurgents battling Indian forces for three decades. Since the move eight weeks ago by India’s Hindu-led government, it has flooded the region with additional troops that enforced a security crackdown and communication blockade.