2017-2-20 · [9] Sweeney L. K-anonymity: a model for protecting privacy[J]. International Journal on Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-based Systems, 2002, 10(5): 557-570. 255 [10] Machanavajjhala A, Gehrke J, Kifer D. L-diversity: privacy beyond k-anonymity[C

Big data privacy: a technological perspective and review 2016-11-26 · Big data is a term used for very large data sets that have more varied and complex structure. These characteristics usually correlate with additional difficulties in storing, analyzing and applying further procedures or extracting results. Big data analytics is the term used to describe the process of researching massive amounts of complex data in order to reveal hidden patterns or identify Geolocation with respect to personal privacy for the Background Collecting data on the localization of users is a key issue for the MASK (Mobile Airways Sentinel networK: the Allergy Diary) App. Data anonymization is a method of sanitization for privacy. The European Commission’s Article 29 Working Party stated that geolocation information is personal data. To assess geolocation using the MASK method and to compare two anonymization methods in Differentially private data cubes | Proceedings of the Preserving privacy in on-line analytical processing data cubes. In Secure Data Management in Decentralized Systems, pages 355--380. 2007. Google Scholar Cross Ref 差分隐私保护综述-机器学习文档类资源-CSDN下载

T-Closeness: Privacy Beyond k-Anonymity and l-Diversity

Privacy Preserving Data Publishing | Seminar Report PPT In contrast, the privacy models in attribute linkage assume the existence of sensitive attributes in T.The k-anonymity model assumes that QID is known to the data publisher. Most work considers a single QID containing all attributes that can be potentially used in the quasi- identifier. The more attributes included in QID, the more protection k 数据自治开放模式下的隐私保护

2010-1-20 · To allow these values the authors define pd-recursive (c, l)-diversity CS 295 Data privacy and confidentiality Negative/Positive Disclosure-Recursive (c1, c2, l)-Diversity Npd-recursive (c1, c2, l)-diversity prevents negative disclosure by requiring attributes for which negative disclosure is …

2014-12-9 · CS 526 Lectures, Handouts & Homeworks (Fall 2014) Tuesday: Thursday: Week 1 (Aug 25 -- Aug 29) Overview of the course () ; Readings. Information Security on Wikipedia Privacy-preserving data publishing: A survey of recent