"Local Area Connection" doesn't have a valid IP configuration - posted in Networking: PROBLEM Network and Sharing Center suddenly shows an Unidentified network Troubleshooting the network gives me

"Local Area Connection" doesn't have a valid IP Aug 12, 2010 How to Fix “Cannot renew IP address” in Windows Oct 28, 2019 Ethernet does not have a valid ip configuration Solved Sep 04, 2019

IPconfig reports the IP address being assigned as so I tried to connect using and all to no avail. I have rebooted the modem, unplugged the modem, and pressed the reset button numerous times. So now I am wondering if the G1100 is defective. Any advice appreciated.

It could be one picked up that bad address and will always ask for it. If Windows, follow THIS LINK on the IPV4 part to make sure it is set to automatic for IP Address and REBOOT. You IPCONFIG shows this, ===== Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection: Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected Connection Nov 03, 2007 · Hi, since i had to recover my computer my laptop, and reload XP SP2 and AOL Silver (USB Modem Bt Voyager) my Local Area Connections went funny. I somehow managed to fix the Local Area Connection, but LAC 2 keeps randomly disconnecting and saying limited or no connectivity. I fink its cos of the Invalid IP Address, my firewall is Norton 2006 and i use ICS. Both the LAC are set to obtain

Reset Winsock Protocol And TCP/IP Settings. Resetting the Winsock protocol as well as TCP/IP …

ipconfig - Windows Command Line Utility