nm-settings: NetworkManager Reference Manual

How do I fix the error "Failed to initialize VPN Network Jul 15, 2020 networking - How to setup Network Manager on Raspbian I have found how to get NetworkManager (and systemd-resolved) working on Raspbian 9 (Stretch). NetworkManager is very useful when you need to manage multiple VPN connections with split DNS, wifi networks and other advanced network settings directly from the Pixel Desktop. 5 Best VPNs for Multiple Devices and Connections in 2020

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Advanced Privacy and Anonymity Using VMs, VPN’s, Tor – Part 2 Then save the VPN configuration, and close Network Manager. Now use Network Manager to establish the new VPN connection. Once it connects, verify that it works by visiting https://whatismyipaddress.com. If it doesn’t connect, or doesn’t work, recheck the configuration. Installing and Checking VPN-Firewall on Linux Workstation